So, again I am going to post something totally unrelated to my cooking, but funny as fuck. So I figure, who gives a shit. I'll still post recipes and in between, I'll tell funny stories. Met some friends tonight for some drinks and I actually ordered some food. Not that I'm a restaurant food snob or anything like that, I just don't normally eat things other people prepare....I'm odd like that. Not in a "straight jacket" kind of way, but still. I like to know where my shit comes from. So, I order, get this, a Philly Cheese Steak Platter AND 6 Teriyaki wings! Holy shit. LOL. Too much food. I manage to choke down the cheese steak, which actually had some good meat. The fries were cold as shit and I had to go in search of my own ketchup. Who the hell gives someone a platter with fries and doesn't set a fucking bottle of ketchup on the table? UGH. So, after I demolished the cheese steak platter, I managed to nibble on two of the wings and just couldn...
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