Am I nuts or just good a wife and mother?

So, I'm going out of town tomorrow and won't be back till Sunday. Soooooo,
I decided that rather than getting ten phone calls saying "What can we eat", every five minutes.......I would make enough food to last them until I get home. Shit, you would think I'm leaving for Bangladesh or something....

I made the Cheese Tortellini with the Alla Vodka Sauce, and dammit, I gotta say..I fucking love this dish. OMG. Every time I eat it, it's kind of like a mini orgasm, only without the wet spot afterward. Then, I made a big ol pot of homemade chicken noodle soup, which I have to say, was pretty fucking good too. I'm going to actually post it. I have two soups that I do well. One is French Onion and the other is Chicken Noodle. I really need to get a handle on the potato cheddar soup, and when I do, you will know it.

So dear friends and readers of may sound gay, but I'm going to post the chicken noodle soup recipe. Who'd have thought that tossing in basil, oregano (Italian really?!), beef and chicken boullion (I'm sure I just spelled that wrong) and a bunch of other shit would turn out so damn good? But it did. Oh comfort food. you gotta love it.

So, signing off for now......going to finish this bottle of wine...oh and I have a story about wine.....but I'll get to that later!

Sue out.


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