"Chopped" can just suck it!!!!

I remember when the show "Chopped" first came on the Food Network. I LOVED that damn show. Take a few chefs, throw some ingredients at them and have them make a 3 course meal in a set amount of time. It was a brilliant concept.  Add a few arrogant chefs and a gay, manscaped host with a big head and funny glasses and you've got a hit. I watched it every Tuesday night. My husband even had to sit through Chopped a few times. It was such a fun show. I loved to see what they would come up with and how the judges would just RIP on everything they cooked. They ran through that kitchen like little chickens with their heads cut off and they cooked up a storm.  It was fun. It was exciting.  It was educational!

Today it's just shit. I watch Chopped now and they open the basket of ingredients and I'm like "WHAT THE FUCK?"  What the hell are these ingredients? Are they serious?  "Here you go boys and girls. Open your mystery baskets.  Here are your ingredients...they are: Kippers! Lime Jellow! Camel Liver!   You've got 15 minutes to create an interesting, tasty dish that our celebrity judges will rip apart and vomit back into your lap. Now Go!" 

I can barely watch this show anymore. Who the hell can cook with these ingredients? You've got cooks sweating into all of the food. Cutting themselves. Bleeding on everything. The judges are a bunch of arrogant pricks who frankly need a good ass kicking. And the host? ugh. Don't even get me started. I'd like to see him "chopped" and added to the mystery basket. 

Way to go Food Network for fucking up a perfectly enjoyable show. The ONLY way to make this show enjoyable again would be to add a starving dog to the kitchen and give the judges a bong. Then I might consider watching again.


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