best friend shenanigans

So, we have a willow tree in the yard.  Whenever my grandbaby is over, we HAVE to run to the willow tree and touch it and walk under it, etc....  When my best friend was over a few weeks ago, we drank about 32 beers and suddenly I HAD to climb that willow tree. And I did it. We laughed and laughed and laughed.  

Yes, that's me again.

And me again.....

Not to bad for a girl with a bad back, but then beer will do that to you.  Where is my partner in crime during all of this??? Not climbing trees. No sir. She sticks with things a bit safer, like riding stuffed animals....

Yup.  There she is........

Needless to say, whenever we get together it doesn't matter our current age.....It always takes us back to the Summer of 85' and the fun we used to have. I love that we can always just pick back up like that.  

Oh, and here is one more for the books.....and one word...Nutmeg...

Then the car that drove past later and stopped to ask "Are you ladies alright?"  To which we replied: " fuck offffffffffffffffffffffffffff!"  and then ran all the way back to the house.


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