This and That

Well, it's been a while.  So much has happened since the last time I dropped some thoughts here. 3 years have passed.  There have been times I've wondered what was going on with me.  I've had zero desire to write. Zero desire to create. Zero desire to cook. Zero desire to pretty much do anything that involves me leaving my bed.  Then, it clicked.  It's been three long years (almost four) of Donald Trump.

I'm going to try really hard not to turn this blog into a political one, but be warned; Facebook has sucked the life out of me, Twitter is where I do political battle and I try to keep Insta to just pictures. Sometimes I slip.  Tonight, I'm going to try to catch up, just a bit.  It's so hard though. So much is going on.  This is 2020 after all.   The year we will all someday look back on and wonder how in the fuck we survived it. (If we survived it) As I type this, 183,000 Americans have died from the Covid19 virus.  Coronavirus. Donald Trump calls it the "China Virus" because he's a racist fuck.  The left has pushed back and started calling it simply, the Trump Virus. Because it is. I literally cannot believe where we are today as a country, as a human race, as inhabitants of a planet we're slowly destroying.  😡

It's mind boggling really. At this time last year, we promised our granddaughter, Emma, a summer trip to Disney and the beach.  This time last year, I was furiously working overtime at my job as a Meetings and Events online booking coordinator.  I had a Facebook group of 5500 people traveling to San Francisco in March for a Global Summit. It was huge. It was so busy it had me working 12-14 hour days and Saturdays too.  It was what I intended to pay for our Disney trip.  And as far as Disney goes, it was about now that we started seriously planning. I finally got my shit together, quit trying to find travel agent deals and bit the bullet, going ahead and booking a complete package with Disney. Five nights at a resort hotel, onsite, near the Monorail, meals included along with hopper passes. Air and rental car.  Five nights at Cocoa Beach in a nice oceanfront condo.  All booked with deposits down. We were going to leave June 9.

There were so many things we had to do this summer. My niece was getting married in May.  My daughter was graduating from Mercer University with a Masters Degree also in May.  We had back to back weekends booked. Everything planned.  I had bought Cedar Point passes for the entire family in the fall of 2019 and looked forward to a summer of amusement park adventures.  My husband bought us kayaks and I couldn't wait for weekend camping/kayak adventures.  It was going to be a good year.

Even though things were getting rough in this country and I was appalled on the daily with the antics of our juvenile Potus, there were things to look forward to.  We'd put up with a lot the past few years.  It was clear we had serious issues and I for one, was ready to vote the motherfucker out.  In February, we started getting travel advisories at work regarding this new virus coming out of China.  Advisories turned to warnings.  The next thing I knew, astonishingly, Facebook cancelled the meeting I had been working on for five months.  Poof. Done.  As you know, things went to shit, I wound up furloughed, all of our summer plans cancelled and here I sit typing tonight.  You know, I haven't had a haircut since January?  Haven't been to a restaurant since February.  Haven't been to church since BEFORE Easter.  You know.  I know you all know how it feels.  As I mentioned before, I've been burned out with Facebook.  I've arrived to a point in my life where it became clear the line between politics and morals had become blurred and many of my friends just couldn't see what I was seeing.  I was disgusted and let down. Am disgusted, but no longer let down....

I know people got sick and tired of my political rantings on Facebook and really, I don't give a shit.  Not even one little bit. I unfriended every single vocal Trump supporter with the exception of my father, who hangs in the balance daily.  But that is a story for another day. I'm merely sitting here putting my thoughts down and trying to describe how I wound up HERE, where I am right now, trying to write again.  It's already making me feel better. I don't plan to make this a political blog, but you WILL hear my political opinions from time to time.  I don't hide who I am or what I stand for.  This blog was started because I liked to cook and people asked me to share my recipes.  I also have a knack for writing, so years ago, I decided to put it together.  Somewhere along the line, my husband became Vegan, I'm no Vegan cook and so I started to just stop writing for the most part.  I can't cook Vegan, so how can I write about it.  So as things stand today, this blog is just going to be a writing blog.  Somewhere I can get my thoughts out of my head.  Maybe tell some funny stories, maybe drop some recipes, maybe bitch about politics, who knows?

I'm hoping it helps to get me out of this funk I've been in. 💩 This country has 2 months to get its shit together and I'm not sure it's happening.  I have no idea what's happening anymore. I don't recognize life.  I don't feel like myself. I don't recognize my country. I don't recognize my fellow Americans.  Some days I'm at a complete loss and all I can do is shut down, take a pill and go to bed.  That's what I'm about to do now.  It took me forever to figure out the login for this blog.  Today was my son's 29th birthday, which was a huge accomplishment. It was a nice evening.  Maybe I'll write about it later. 

I hope you'll stick around and put up with me and my bullshit from time to time. And if you don't, it really doesn't matter.  Tomorrow is September 1, 2020.  God knows what September will bring. Probably another 50,000 dead Americans, but hey, play some football!  Get back to school!  If you catch it and die, oh well!  So, let's all try to survive together.   Time to call it a night. 🥱

Peace out. 


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