Filet Mignon with Whiskey Peppercorn Sauce and other bullshit I feel like talking about.

  I haven't written on this blog in quite a while. I used to try do it regularly...back when I cooked regularly.  As I've said before, ever since John went vegan, I just didn't cook as much as I used to. I barely eat and the kids are mostly gone, so what's the point?  

When I was cooking for the entire family, I really enjoyed it.....even though everyone had a different allergy.  Well, almost everyone.  My oldest didn't have any food allergies, he was just picky as shit.  Jimmy was (is) allergic to eggs and most seafood and Sara is also allergic to most seafood.  So for the most part, it was pretty easy to cook a good meal that EVERYONE could enjoy.  But then John became vegan 🤮 and I had to start cooking completely separate meals for him.  Then, one by one the kids started moving on and moving out and pretty soon it was just John, myself and Jimmy. 

When the kids were younger, we couldn't really afford going out to eat all that often.  We sacrificed a second income so I could stay home and raise the kids and we had to really budget things on one salary.  It could be super hard at times.  When we DID go out to eat, if I happened to have a meal I really enjoyed, I would try to recreate it at home.  I became pretty damn good at recreating fancy dinner meals.  I even had several recipes published. One of my favorites is below:

Anyhow, my point is I just don't really cook that much anymore.  At least not for me.  I will say, I'm getting pretty good at making vegan dishes for my husband, but I'm not vegan and I mostly hate vegan things, so I usually have toast for dinner.  And wine. 

Good news (I think), I've decided I'd like to start writing again and since I'm not cooking as often, I'm just going to write about whatever the hell I feel like writing about.  If I come across a good recipe, I'll post it.  So, hopefully I can improve this blog, add interesting content and entertain some of you with my stories and foul mouth. 

Cheers. 🍷  


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