
Filet Mignon with Whiskey Peppercorn Sauce and other bullshit I feel like talking about.

  I haven't written on this blog in quite a while. I used to try do it regularly...back when I cooked regularly.  As I've said before, ever since John went vegan, I just didn't cook as much as I used to. I barely eat and the kids are mostly gone, so what's the point?   When I was cooking for the entire family, I really enjoyed it.....even though everyone had a different allergy.  Well,  almost  everyone.  My oldest didn't have any food allergies, he was just picky as shit.  Jimmy was (is) allergic to eggs and most seafood and Sara is also allergic to most seafood.  So for the most part, it was pretty easy to cook a good meal that EVERYONE could enjoy.  But then John became vegan 🤮 and I had to start cooking completely separate meals for him.  Then, one by one the kids started moving on and moving out and pretty soon it was just John, myself and Jimmy.  When the kids were younger, we couldn't really afford going out to eat all ...
 I'm trying to get out of this huge funk that I've been in, and I mean funk with a capital FUCK. I've been laid off since March 31 and have achieved absolutely nothing, unless you count the weight gain. 😟 When I went to visit my daughter, she introduced me to one of her favorite foods; Starbucks bacon and gruyere egg bites. They were awesome. Expensive as hell, but so good.  So, I'm attempting to make them myself and if they turn out ok, I will post the recipe.   Here are the before pictures:  and I didn't have a "Sous Vida" whatever in the fuck that is, so I'm using small muffin cups and a water bath.  I'll let you know how I do in about 30 minutes..............

This and That

Well, it's been a while.  So much has happened since the last time I dropped some thoughts here. 3 years have passed.  There have been times I've wondered what was going on with me.  I've had zero desire to write. Zero desire to create. Zero desire to cook. Zero desire to pretty much do anything that involves me leaving my bed.  Then, it clicked.  It's been three long years (almost four) of Donald Trump. I'm going to try really hard not to turn this blog into a political one, but be warned; Facebook has sucked the life out of me, Twitter is where I do political battle and I try to keep Insta to just pictures. Sometimes I slip.  Tonight, I'm going to try to catch up, just a bit.  It's so hard though. So much is going on.  This is 2020 after all.   The year we will all someday look back on and wonder how in the fuck we survived it. (If we survived it) As I type this, 183,000 Americans have died from the Covid19 virus.  Coronavirus. Donald ...

This is Fifty!

Well, it's finally happened. The day I've been dreading for the past 5 years or so has finally arrived. I've officially reached the age of 50. Now, before I go any further, I will say that of COURSE I'm happy to be alive. Of COURSE I know I'm lucky since there are many people who never make it this far.  Doesn't mean I can't have feelings about it.  Everybody says 50 is just a number. Like 40 was just a number. Well, I happen to like the number 24. Can I have it back?  It's hard to describe what turning 50 felt like for me.  Almost all of my friends are turning 50 this year and everybody has described various emotions.  For me my teens were my party years.  My twenties were my babymaking years. My thirties were my baby raising years and my 40's were my keep my marriage together and don't let my body fall apart years.  I never wanted to contemplate 50. I had no problem turning 30, no problem with 40, but for some reason 50 is just scary to me....

Lady Bitches

Well, it's that time of the year again. Fall is upon us- the leaves are changing and dropping like saggy old-women tits, and the evenings are getting frosty.  It's also time for that annual fuck fest I like to call the Lady Bitch Bonanza. Oh, you don't know what I'm referring to?  Well, if you live in the country, you know exactly what I'm talking about. The ignorant look at them and exclaim "Oh MY look at all of those gorgeous Lady Bugs!"  And I'm like, "Um, no. Those ain't no Ladies. They's bitches. Lady Bitches."  But the ignorant don't believe a thing you say. Until one of those ferocious motherfuckers lands on their arm and bites the shit out of them. It happens every year, usually after the weather turns to shit for a few weeks and then one gloriously sunny day in October, the heavens open up and the Lady Bitches rain down. Everywhere.  Look down, it's a scary little fucker isn't it?  The Lady Bitches...

best friend shenanigans

So, we have a willow tree in the yard.  Whenever my grandbaby is over, we HAVE to run to the willow tree and touch it and walk under it, etc....  When my best friend was over a few weeks ago, we drank about 32 beers and suddenly I HAD to climb that willow tree. And I did it. We laughed and laughed and laughed.   Yes, that's me again. And me again..... Not to bad for a girl with a bad back, but then beer will do that to you.  Where is my partner in crime during all of this??? Not climbing trees. No sir. She sticks with things a bit safer, like riding stuffed animals.... Yup.  There she is........ Needless to say, whenever we get together it doesn't matter our current age.....It always takes us back to the Summer of 85' and the fun we used to have. I love that we can always just pick back up like that.   Oh, and here is one more for the books.....and one word...Nutmeg... Then the car that drove past later and stopped to ask "Are you...

On a completely unrelated note.........

As most of you know, my hubby went Vegan 3 years ago. My culinary life, as I knew it, essentially died.  (Yes, I almost wish that said Vegas) I bumped into someone who told me that they missed my blog and even though I wasn't really cooking anymore (interesting food, that is) that I should continue to write about just whatever the fuck pops into my head. So, here goes.....Today, I saw this Meme/Photo on a FB friend's wall......Cute huh? Well, that's all nice and everything but would you like to hear my reply to this meme?   Sue:  I want one that ejaculates chocolate, pisses wine and shits fifty dollar bills. just cover his face with a bag if he's ugly. That about sums it up.  I'm not hard to please.  So, even though I may not write about food anymore, I'm going to continue writing about whatever happens to pop into my head.  Wait, I already have a new post....Look for it next!