Giada's Bolognese sauce

Today we are having pasta and I'm making Giada's bolognese sauce. So far, I'm not too terribly impressed. Actually, I've cooked a few of her dishes and none of them were very impressive. About the only thing I'm impressed with of Giada's are her boobs. Lord knows you see them enough on her show. sigh....ok, so back to the sauce.
After I threw together Giada's very bland sauce, I googled bolognese and found a myriad of recipes out there...some call for milk, some call for dry white wine. Giada's called for neither.
I lifted the lid on my sauce and added both. I had to keep adding and adding to get any kind of flavor whatsoever. So, when the final product is done, if it turns out decent, I will post my modified recipe.
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